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Sep 6, 2021
Updates on our Cyber Ninja Hero!
Hello everyone, and happy labor day! We dedicate this post to our amazing, hard-working artists helping make this comic book possible! ...

Aug 31, 2021
Indie Comic Recommendation: Blood Count
A vampire super hero? Sounds like an oxymoron. Well this ancient vampire wakens up in an era where super heroes flourish. Today's indie...

Aug 24, 2021
Comicbook Review: "Eudaimonia"
Today we are exploring an emotionally tugging tale of peace, war, and music. This comic is not like many that you'll find on IndieGogo,...

Aug 17, 2021
BEHOLD! Our Cyber Ninja Hero, Digitorium!
Hello loyal viewers! Today is an exciting day! We are officially announcing the development of our new Comic Book Project, Digitorium! ...

Jul 13, 2021
Comicbook Review: "The Case of the Littlest Umbrella"
The last thing I expected was having my heart lifted by this adorable comic book. A lot of ComicsGate and IGG comics tend to lean towards...

Jun 29, 2021
10 Reasons Why Mainstream Comics are Failing
No doubt you've been frustrated with how comic books have been developing over the past couple years. The writing and humor stinks, your...

Jun 15, 2021
New Website Changes: Social Media and Crypto News!
Hello everyone. Founder of Chainlink Productions here to provide you an update.

Jan 25, 2021
Comicbook Review: Magic Cop by Phillip Diaz
Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to our second comicbook review! We are going on a fantastic adventure to the 1980s in a fictional...
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